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New Non-CTC Claim

On New Non-CTC Claim page, you can submit your non-ctc claims.

How to submit non-ctc claim?

Expense Category list of expense categories. You can choose one.
Cost Center click Select to choose from the list of cost centers.
L1 Approver click Select to change/choose from the list of L1 Managers. (Ask)
L2 Approver click Select to change/choose from the list of L2 Managers. (Ask)
Upload Option click Select File and + Choose button to upload a supporting document.

1. Enter the required details.

2. Click + icon to enter claim details. Following pop up will open.

Expense Head list of expense heads. You can choose one. Based on expense head selected, rest of the fields will be displayed.
Eligible Amount (INR) max. amount you can claim every month. Non editable.
Bill Period list of bill periods. You can choose one.
Vendor name of vendor.
Bill Number bill number.
Start Date start date of bill.
End Date end date of bill.
Bill Date bill generated on given date.
Payment Mode list of payment modes. You can choose one.
Claimed Amount amount to be claimed.
Employee Comment comment of employee regarding claim.

Note: Based on expense category selected, respective fields will be displayed.

3. Enter the required details.

4. Click Save button. If Claimed Amount is more than Eligible Amount (INR) then Following field will be displayed in pop up.

5. Enter excess claim comment.

6. Click Save button. Following page will be displayed.

Note: Click icon to copy claim details for expected head. You can then edit it.

5. Click Dialog Guidelines link to open the guidelines pop up.

6. Read the guidelines and click X button.

7. Select the I have read the Dialog Guidelines checkbox. Following page will be displayed.

8. Click Submit button. Reimbursement task will move to Claim Approval - L1 Manager stage.

9. Go to How to approve Claim Approval - L1 Manager's stage? on All Claims page.

You can view new non-ctc claim on My Claims page.